Beautybrick Salon: (02) 473-5108

Hello! Its been a while since I last saw you guys! This blog talks about anything I want to share, I had experienced and are experiencing with regards to life, love, disappointments, sadness, success, and whatever. Please feel free to read, comment, react or suggest... E-mail me at jonas_mclaren321@yahoo.com Have fun reading as much as I had fun posting..... Enjoy!!!!
Eddy, I'm really sorry for the late reply to your comment on my post. Anyways, I already included the contact number in the post, please feel free to visit it again.
thanks a lot! with regards to their services, I am not that familiar.... I am just amazed at the place and with Mr. Shin =)
How much is their haircut?
Frances: If I am not mistaken, that is Php 600.00 for the ladies and Php 500.00 for the gents!
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