Thursday, January 28, 2010

The NEW Apple iPAD

Yes guys, it is not typographical error, it is not iPod.... I am correct when I said iPad. Apple recently releases their newest member in the family, the Apple iPad. Now you wonder, what is the difference between an iPod and and iPad.... here goes my personal gadget review

Upon checking the website, I was shocked and amazed at the new iPad. The exterior and the design looks like it is an enlarged iTouch or iPhone. It measures 9.5" x 7.5" and has a display size of 9.7" wow isn't it! It is sort of like a tablet made by Apple that allows you to surf, do your emails, compile and keep your photos, watch videos, movies, go on youtube, its an iPod also with iTunes, and the works. It comes in 16GB, 32GB and 64GB. A truly enlarged iTouch and nothing more. Apple? What's happening to you?

So basing from what I read in the Apple website, it is simply an enlarged version of the iTouch. I get all the hype because.... wow, it is something new from Apple, being an Apple enthusiast and a fan, it sure does gives you all the excitement and anticipation. But at the end of the day, if you read thoroughly, it is not something that you really want to have. It still doesn't compare to the famous Macbook and Macbook Pro. Starts at $499.00 is not something cheap. For me, this is a gadget that you can easily say.... I'LL PASS!!!!

For more information with regards to this awesome but not so awesome product of Apple, please visit:


Kaleen Ramos said...

It's a laptop, without the keyboard. LOL. Ridiculous.

jonas321 said...

@Jojo: Exactly... its nothing but a big big piece of junk.. Being an Apple lover, this however destroyed everything that I like about them

@Kaleen: Its not even a laptop, its just a toy.... an expensive one!