The story line is similar to Harry Potter but it has a different plot and a different theme. Harry Potter is concentrated basically on wizardry and witchcraft while Percy Jackson is concentrated on greek mythology, gods, goddesses, demigods, cyclopses, satyrs, centaurs and etc. There will be a movie which is set to release on 2010 for the 1st book entitled: The Lighting Thief (I can't wait, I bet it will be amazing!), for more information regarding the upcoming movie.
I am a fan of young adult/children fantasy books nowadays. I started and finished reading The Twilight Saga by Stephenie Meyer, The Mortal Instruments Series (City of Bones, City of Ashes and City of Glass) by Cassandra Clare. The faery love-story which left me hanging wanting for more; Wicked Lovely, Ink Exhange and Fragile Eternity by Melissa Marr. I am not on the 3rd Book of the series of Percy Jackson and the Olympians.
Percy Jackson & The Olympians:

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