Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Ash Wednesday

Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of Lent for us Catholics. This is when ashes are placed on your forehead as the priest say: "Turn away from sins and believe in the Gospel!" and also "Remember that you are dust, and to dust you shall return!" This is our way of remembering the season of Lent and how will we prepare ourselves during this season. This is when people repent, reflect and change for the better.

As explained by Wikipedia: Ash Wednesday gets its name from the practice of placing ashes on the foreheads of the faithful as a sign of repentance. The ashes used are gathered after the Palm Crosses from the previous year's Palm Sunday are burned. In the liturgical practice of some churches, the ashes are mixed with the Oil of the Catechumens[1] (one of the sacred oils used to anoint those about to be baptized), though some churches use ordinary oil. This paste is used by the priest who presides at the service to make the sign of the cross, first upon his own forehead and then on each of those present who kneel before him at the altar rail. As he does so, he recites the words: "Remember (O man) that you are dust, and to dust you shall return."

Catholics or non-Catholics, we must not wait for lent to repent or reflect on all the wrong things that we did and are doing. We must always be aware of the wrong things that we are doing and never get embarassed by seeking an apology.

Base on my own personal opinion, one thing that makes a person evil is when that person steps on someone to gain the acknowledgement or recognition. It is crab-mentality at its finest. That is one factor we all must change, Lent or not, Catholic or not, it is like a virus that infect us slowly. Believe me, I am a victim of that.... you know who you are.... be ashamed of yourself! Ewwww Honestly, just by thinking you gives me the creeps!! But then again, one will not change if one doesn't know the thing that he or she needs to change and worst, he or she doesn't know his or her action(s) is affecting other people badly. I am not the only one this person pulled down, there are already a couple of us. The good people tend to resign, the bad tend to suck and cling on like a parasitic leech, like you! So I will pray for you this Lenten Season, CHANGE! (Clue: This person is a she!) I can't believe there could be such person, if this is really a person then yup, she is a she! hahahahahaha!


Anonymous said...

I think what you mean is Catholic, not Christian. There's a difference.

jonas321 said...

Jason, Thanks for the comment, I already edited the entry. was in a hurry =) but as I remember, we are all Christians right? HAHAHA oh wellz!! It is just a terminology anyway, let us make it.. Children of God hahahahahaha!